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Get Started

Everything you need to know

If you have looked through this website pages and want to get started right away, here is everything you need to know in a nutshell. 


First, all our software comes with a Free License for up to 5 installs. If your project is small, you are a student at a university or a small company, you do not need to purchase anything. To get started simply download the software either through the public "maven repo" by declaring a dependency or you can download the product release package from the github project page. All our software source is released for review and inspection, although not open-source, you are welcome to look through it. We apprechiate patches and bug reports, if you find anything.


  • Apache v2 license (unlimited use)

    • jNetPcap Java Driverproject page

    • Note that jNetPcap Java Driver also is available under an OEM license, if that works better (optional). Sometimes you need more than simple open-source license with community support.​

  • Sly Technologies Free License (5 install limit)


If you plan to use the software internally that will exceed the 5 install limit, you need to pick an OEM Internal-Use License for your organization.


If the software will be redistributed outside your organization you will need an OEM Redistribution License. We do not collect any royalties. You have the option to pick either a perpetual or term license. Whichever works best for your company.


Each project page of our software, contains full documentation, including user guides with tutorials and examples on it usage. Also all the public API JavaDocs and sample capture files for testing and validation of deployment.

If you have any questions, or would like to sign up to receive updates, become a beta or even alpha tester, please drop us a message using the form below. We'll put you on our list and keep in touch with you.

If you would like move information about our products please leave your contact information. We will send your PDF brochure and contact you if you'd like.



Sales Team


PS: We do not share or sell your information to anyone. Period!

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